
Some random notes, thoughts and tips


Here is something new I had not seen before. Shortly after we got off the plane and into Haarlem, we went to mass. The kneelers at St. Joseph’s were always in the down position. Hanging up in front of the kneelers were these dense mats that acted as a cushion. It was kinda cool.

Here I thought the mass I picked was an English-speaking mass. Uh, no. I got my times turned around. Sadly, I am used to web sites with the local church times posted. We came into mass part way through, and it was entirely in Dutch. Okay, here we go Dad. I felt like a peasant in olden days who could not understand Latin — left to study the artwork and architecture. I noticed the smell first. It was old and wet… quite musty. I was curious if this was a first of many to come.